6 Exclusive Benefits To Choosing MaxiChart For Your Dental Practice

6 Exclusive Benefits to Choosing MaxiChart for Your Dental Practice

We are becoming more and more reliant on technology. Generation Z finds most of their information now from online sources. We don’t talk on the phone we “Facetime.” We don’t send a letter, we send an “email”. We don’t even have to miss our friends who leave the province or the country because we have Facebook and Whatsapp among others in order to keep in touch. There is no doubt that this era has simplified our lives considerably, but the most significant contribution so far has been to the environment. Suddenly many dental practices are going green by taking the steps towards going paperless. Generation Z is now leading the way for a more simplified workday, especially for dental professionals that have not yet taken advantage of a practice management system. Thomas Giacobbi, DDS, FAGD, and editorial director of Dentaltown magazine writes about the way technology has changed the way dental professionals function. “Technology and innovation have made it possible to do so many things from home, or from wherever we happen to be with our smartphones.” (14). He also writes about the advancements in taking scans instead of impressions and “we can collate, slice and dice reams of data to find the answer to questions we didn’t know we had.” (14)

Technology is always advancing. There is always something else just around the corner being primed to make your lives in the dental profession that much better. Maxident has contributed to that advancement in many significant ways and providing MaxiChart as a tool to do perio-charting without using paper is one advancement you should not be without. If your dental practice is still using paper charting, it’s time for you and your team to learn about six exclusive benefits of MaxiChart.

1 Increases patient bookings

Improves consistency, accuracy and retrieval of patient data and allows you to have available patient information at your fingertips. You will now have the ability to save progress notes or commit them later, and there is an easy to access listing of patient chart notes you can check at the end of day in place of having to sift through a stack of paper charts sitting on a desk.

2 User-friendly

Fun and easy to use with its touch screen technology, making it possible for you to move around the office freely when dealing with diagnosis, treatment and convenient patient consultation.

3 Environmentally friendly

By choosing MaxiChart, you are choosing to save the environment. With this add-on, you will be able to not only reduce your use of paper in the office, but take another giant step towards going completely paperless with electronic charting and digital imaging capabilities.

4 Customizable

perio-charting has now become easier than ever to use, giving you the option to choose from thirty different paths, allowing you to use the one you prefer in order to maximize efficiency boost your productivity. Customize your screen colors and graphics and make perio-charting suit you and your practice perfectly.

5 Adaptable

Artificial intelligence is not just for sci-fi novels and shows anymore. It has revolutionized the dental industry with an electronic chart that adapts to your style of dentistry and workflow to improve productivity and data accuracy. Also, your electronic chart learns the correct procedure codes so that it is no longer necessary for your team to know them. This artificial intelligence technology allows for a quick and accurate patient check-out, insurance claim submission, and payment.

6 Hands-free

Improve the health of your patients by taking advantage of voice activation with perio-charting. Now you can simply talk to your computer to update patient charts to assure infection control by eliminating the need for gloves and a keyboard with a hands-free headset.

MaxiChart is state-of-the-art, revolutionary technology that will provide your practice with improved consistency, accuracy and retrieval of patient data. It is innovative, intelligent and uses artificial intelligence technology to make perio-charting simple, easy, and hygiene friendly. If you are interested in upgrading your office with MaxiChart, don’t hesitate to call your account manager to learn more.  


  1. http://www.dentaltown.com/Dentaltown/Article.aspx?i=422&aid=6019
  2. https://maxidentsoftware.com/products/digital-charting/
  3. “The Promise of Technology.” Dental Town. August 2016:14.
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